Art Blog

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thriving Towards the Title "The World's Laziest Blogger"
mood: plain
music: Deep Insight - 'Anthem'

I think I should just make the site's Art section as main page as it's pretty much only section of the site I any more update. But anyhow, since my last update in this blog over year and half ago shocked I have done few fan art pieces, which you can find under Collages and Wallapers section as well as couple of fanvids, which naturally are under Fanvids section.

Spiced by Anna @ [01:57 AM]

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

mood: shocked
music: Air - 'Run'

I have no idea how it happened, but somehow I just accidentally deleted this blog. Actually, almost deleted my whole site (Just managed to hit abort button before deletion process went any further than this blog.). Anyhow, luckily I have been so inactive in this blog that I only lost two entries even though I haven't made any backups since forever. Got a really good scare though!

ETA: I shouldn't have been worried as Dreamhost seems to have awesome backup system, so I was able to recover everything, including the two blog entries that I didn't have backed up on my own computer.

Spiced by Anna @ [02:23 PM]

Monday, March 6, 2006

Another year at Dreamhost
mood: Happy smile
music: OK Go - 'Here It Goes Again'

As I have been really satisfied with Dreamhost, I recently renewed both my domain and my hosting plan. So, I'll be residing most likely here also this year. Yay!

What comes to this blog, I'm sorry that I haven't really been updating it, but I have been really busy with uni stuff. That, however, doesn't mean I that I wouldn't have updated the site otherwise. For instance, since my previous blog update I have added five fan art pieces and two Logan/Veronica fan vids.

Spiced by Anna @ [08:21 AM]
